The main motivation of this course is to help the students understand FX market structures and its volatility. From micro perspective, via high frequency data, the course keeps track on “order flow” and how the prices are generated by those market makers (dealers and brokers); From macro perspective, the determination of exchange rate can be estimated via interest rate parity, purchasing power parity, monetary approach, asset approach and equilibrium approach. Finally, DSGE model is introduced via simultaneous equations among the central bank, firms and households.
In order to let the students to practice with their own hands in the classroom, the course also offers the data of both high and low frequency via access to Bloomberg. Introduction of program of “STATA” is a byproduct of the course. Both time series and cross countries panel data analyses will give the students an in-depth understanding of exchange rate movements.
章节内容 | 学时 |
Ch1 Overview of the basic exchange rate theory 1 Definition and classification of exchange rate 2 Traditional theory of exchange rate determination |
2 |
Ch2 Interest Rate Parity----the relationship between Exchange rate and Interest rate 1 Overview of the Interest rate parity theory 2 Foreign exchange derivatives and structural breaks 3 Empirical research of covered interest Parity and forward exchange rate 4 Combined with STATA using panel data, test of unit-root and cointegration |
3 |
Ch3 The theory of purchasing-power parity----the relationship between Exchange rate and Price 1 Overview of the theory of purchasing power parity 2 Balassa-Samuelson Hypothesis 3 Empirical research of real exchange rate 4 Combined with STATA panel data |
4 |
Ch4 Equilibrium Exchange Rate Theory----the relationship between Exchange rate and international balance of payments 1 Overview of the Equilibrium Exchange Rate Theory 2 Edwar's Model and other implications 3 The empirical estimation of RMB exchange rate 4 Combined with STATA to test behavioral exchange rate GMM |
4 |
Ch5 Exchange rate regime and exchange intervention effect 1 Exchange rate system basic model 2 Exchange Intervention 3 Combined with STATA via Probit and Logit tests |
4 |
Ch6 Exchange rate fluctuation and Pass-through Effect 1 Exchange rate fluctuation model 2 Irregular linkage research of exchange rate and stock price 3 Combined with STATA using M-GARCH and ARCH, BEKK |
4 |
Ch7 The reform of RMB exchange rate and RMB internationalization 1 The history of the exchange rate reform 2 The property of the RMB being internationalized currency 3 The exploration of the internationalization of the RMB 4 Combined with STATA using cross-border transaction volume |
4 |
Ch8 The foreign exchange market micro-structure 1 The theory of foreign exchange market micro-structure 2 The nonlinear models and high frequency regressions 3 Combined with STATA using time series and high frequency data |
4 |
Ch9 Exchange Rate Determination Theory ---The new open macroeconomic theory 1 Redux model 2 DSGE model 3 Combined with STATA using Bayes VAR, GMM and DSGE model |
3 |
总计32学时 |
(1) 增加课堂互动,实时检测学生的掌握情况,例如随时问问题
(2) 启发学生思考,例如在UIP学习上,询问学生在面对两种外汇投资时,影响其投资选择的因素。
(3) 增强与学生们的课后反馈与交流,例如课后会有答疑时间
(4) 多媒体教学手段,以辅助学生在英文教学中所面对的语言障碍
(5) 随堂测验,让学生们更有动力课后复习课前预习
(1) 《汇率学》 2013年,上海财经大学出版社。高等院校金融专业“十二五”规划精品教材。
(2) 《影响人民币汇率形成的因素研究―对预期、联动和参照构成的分析》与周建芳,2010年,中国金融出版社。
(3) 《外汇市场微观结构理论与实证》与曾芳琴,2006年,中国金融出版社。
(1) Paul Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld (10th edition). International Economics: Theory and Policy, Addison Wesley, 2008.
1. Micro structure of foreign exchange market --- “order flow”
2. Real exchange rate formulated ---“B-S Model”
1. 基于学校的网络平台积极进行课程的网站建设。课前上传讲义、参考资料等。提前一到两周将下堂课的课件上传到Blackboard教学系统;提醒学生预览所要讲述内容。及时上传相关章节的作业习题,待作业上交并且批阅之后,安排时间,讲解习题。
2. 增加课堂互动,实时检测学生的掌握情况,例如课堂提问题;不定期在课堂上进行5题左右的选择题或者判断题测验,让学生们更有动力课后复习、课前预习。增强与学生们的课后反馈与交流,例如课后会有答疑时间,使用email进行答疑,建立班级微信群、群内答疑等等。
3. 尽可能采用启发式为主的教学方式,例如在UIP学习上,询问学生在面对两种外汇投资时,影响其投资选择的因素。通过这种代入式的学习方式,向学生传授课程原理,不仅让学生知其然,更是让他们知其所以然。同时,在讲述过程中,尽量应用案例,让学生通过自我代入的方式,理解原理,并且意识到国际金融与我们的日常生活息息相关。
4. 多媒体教学手段,以辅助学生在英文教学中所面对的语言障碍。由于英语是唯一的教学语言,可以通过使用多媒体课件图片、录音等设备将教学内容图文并茂的传授给学生,增加教学的趣味性,缓解学生的压力,提高学生的学习积极性。
5. 课程组将不定期进行教学方法的摸索与改进。如采用案例教学、引导学生代入情境、引入多媒体教学、丰富教学手段等。
6. 建成一支年轻的、经验丰富的、具有国际一流大学水平的国际金融全英语教学的师资队伍。